title: "A Real Improvement to your ME Network",
x: 1.0d,
y: -1.0d,
description: "Let's use P2P Tunnel's!",
text: [
"It is §chard§f to §2explain in details§f about a §6P2P Setup§f here, but here's a rough explanation:",
"- With §62 P2P Tunnel's§f, you can link them using a §dMemory Card§f.",
"- §9One§f of them §8§o(the first you've clicked)§r§f will be the §9Input§f and the §bother§f one will be the §bOutput§f.",
"- With §5Between§f these §62 P2P's§f there §dwill be a Subnetwork formed§f, meaning, that you'll need to §eprovide it with Power§f.",
"§8§o(You could use an Energy Acceptor or a Quartz Fiber to route Energy from your Main Network)§r§f",
"- This could be §aREALLY§f good to get §d32 Channels§f from your §3Main AE Network§f from §9point A§f to §epoint B§f across a §dsubnetwork§f.",
"- §aA Good AE2 Engineer§f really §3takes advantage of this feature§f, as once you've learn how to use it, §c§nChannel's will never be a problem anymore§r§f.",
"§8§o~ Please, for more Information, check the next quest for a link to the Official Wiki.§r§f"
dependencies: [
min_width: 300,
tasks: [{
uid: "692d8d75",
type: "item",
items: [{
item: "appliedenergistics2:part 1 460"
count: 2L
uid: "fdaeca22",
type: "item",
items: [{
id: "appliedenergistics2:memory_card",
tag: {}
ignore_damage: true,
ignore_nbt: 1b
rewards: [{
uid: "da1219ea",
type: "ftbmoney:money",
ftb_money: 50L
#本脚本更替思路受项目https://github.com/djacu/ftbquests_converter启发,并在其框架基础上进行了大量更新与优化,对标当前最新ftbquest的任务生成格式 from hashlib import md5 from pathlib import Path import re import random from typing import Tuple import requests def get_text_fields(quest: str) -> Tuple[str]: ''' 截取翻译区域 :param quest: 任务文本 :return: 截取到的title,subtitle,description,text文本指针 ''' title_line=re.findall(r'\stitle: "(.*)"', quest) subtitle_line=re.findall(r'\ssubtitle: "(.*)"', quest) # decription_search = re.search(r'\sdescription: \[\n([^]]*)\]', quest) # decription_lines = re.findall(r'"(.+)"', decription_search.group(1)) if decription_search else ()#去掉双引号 decription_lines=re.findall(r'\sdescription: \[[\n]*([^]]*)\]', quest)#先指定以关键字打头,再进一步匹配到左括号略过换行再截取所有右括号前字符,下同 decription_lines=[re.findall(r'"(.+)"', x) for x in decription_lines] decription_lines=[token for t in decription_lines for token in t]#双层遍历降维 text_search = re.search(r'\stext: \[[\n]*([^]]*)\]', quest) text_lines = re.findall(r'"(.+)"', text_search.group(1)) if text_search else () return (*title_line, *subtitle_line, *decription_lines, *text_lines) def translate_line(line: str) -> str: ''' 翻译送来的字符串 :param line:字符串 :return:翻译结果字符串 ''' try: # 关于语言选项参考文档 `https://api.fanyi.baidu.com/doc/21` # 百度appid/appkey.(PS:密钥随IP绑定,设置密钥时候注意设置正确的IP否则无法使用!!!) appid = '20211231001043264' # 请注册你自己的密钥 appkey = 'umhmUOazS1sa9xMK6fzR' # 请注册你自己的密钥 from_lang = 'en' to_lang = 'zh' endpoint = 'http://api.fanyi.baidu.com' path = '/api/trans/vip/translate' url = endpoint + path def make_md5(s, encoding='utf-8'): return md5(s.encode(encoding)).hexdigest() salt = random.randint(32768, 65536) sign = make_md5(appid + line + str(salt) + appkey) # Build request headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} payload = {'appid': appid, 'q': line, 'from': from_lang, 'to': to_lang, 'salt': salt, 'sign': sign, 'action': 1} # Send request r = requests.post(url, params=payload, headers=headers) result = r.json() return result.get('trans_result')[0].get('dst') except TypeError: ''' TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable 八成是appid和appkey不正确或申请的服务中绑定的IP设置错误,小概率网络波动原因 ''' print("api调用出错") return line #return translate_line(line) def update_quest(quest: str, text_fields: Tuple[str]) -> str: ''' 更新任务中需要汉化的区域 :param quest:任务 :param text_fields:摘取出的替换文本 :return:汉化后任务 ''' for line in text_fields: ##情景1:图片介绍 if ( line.find('.jpg')==-1 and line.find('.png'))==-1: # 新版ftbquest可以展示图片,遇到图片则略过 ## 情景2:彩色区域 # 彩色格式保留,碰到&.彩色格式在后方则加入空格分割来辅助百度api优化翻译效果(比如Hello &5world改为Hello &5 world) # 强烈建议在术语库中手动添加术语保留&.,否则可能文本格式错误。(目前已知的彩色格式只有a~f,0~9全部依次录入即可)百度api大多可以返回包含&.的汉化结果。 findDec = line.find('&') # 确定有无彩色标签(-1无,非-1有) if (findDec != -1): t = 1 all_index = [r.span() for r in re.finditer('&', line)] # 记录&出现的所有位置 tmp = list(line) for i in all_index: tmp.insert(i[1] + t, ' ') t = t + 1 # 由于前面的空格增加会改变目录顺序,这里做出修正 colored_line = ''.join(tmp) print("检测到包含彩色标识的任务,处理为" + colored_line) ##情景3:物品引用 # 比如#minecraft:coals需要保留,打破此格式将会导致此章任务无法读取!!! # 这里给出的方案是先将引用替换为临时词‘xdawned’,术语库中设置xdawned-xdawned来保留此关键词,然后借此在翻译后的句子中定位xdawned用先前引用词换回 translate= translate_line(re.sub(r'#([^[\n|\|\s"]*)', 'xdawned' , colored_line)) else: translate= translate_line(re.sub(r'#([^[\n|\|\s"]*)', 'xdawned' , line)) #将物品引用换回 quotes=re.findall(r'#([^[\n|\|\s"]*)', line)#找出所有引用词 if len(quotes)>0: print('在此行找到引用',quotes) count=0 #找出xdawned出现的所有位置并替换为对应引用词 index=translate.find('xdawned') while index!=-1: translate=re.sub('xdawned',quotes[count],translate,1) count=count+1 index = translate.find('xdawned') print(translate) replacement = translate + "[--" + line + "--]" # 原文保留 print("替换中:" + replacement) quest = quest.replace('\"' + line + '\"','\"' + replacement + '\"') # 用双引号卡一下因为多处文本可能相同,防止重复替换替换到其它位置;处理过的就为 "原文[--*--]" 不再参与替换 return quest def update_quest_file(input_path: Path, output_path: Path) -> None: ''' 更新文件,将处理完的文本写回 :param input_path:输入目录 :param output_path:输输出目录 :return:无 ''' with open(input_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as fin: quest = fin.read() text_fields = get_text_fields(quest)#截取翻译内容 if not text_fields: print(f'无需翻译,未找到截取关键词 {input_path}.') print(quest) else: print(f'开始翻译 {input_path}.') new_text = update_quest(quest, text_fields) with open(output_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as fout: fout.write(new_text) def make_output_path(path: Path) -> Path: ''' 生成输出目录,为原文件夹+trans :param path:输入目录路径 :return:自动生成的输出目录路径 ''' parts = list(path.parts) parts[0] = parts[0] + "-trans" output_path = Path(*parts) output_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return output_path def main(): quest_path = Path("./ftbquests")#要翻译的目录【可选./ftbquests或./chapter,./chapter只翻译章节内容,./ftbquests额外包括战利品表名称、大章节标题等内容】 for input_path in quest_path.rglob("*.snbt"): output_path = make_output_path(input_path)#生成输出目录路径 update_quest_file(input_path, output_path)#更新任务文件 if __name__ == '__main__': main()#需要先在translate_line函数中填入百度api密钥

如果你运行程序报错TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable那八成就是你的appid和appkey不正确或者申请的服务中绑定的IP设置错误,另外注意你每次重新连接网络路由器为你分配的IP都有可能会变,记得去百度翻译api切换绑定的IP
